Cannot Delete Oci Dll Access Is Denied
If you are using TNS alias name (TNSNAMES.ORA file):Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile (SQLNET.ORA).Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper directory and is accessible.Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Errors in a TNSNAMES.ORA file may make it unusable.If everything looks good in tnsnames.ora, validate that the domain name entry in sqlnet.ora is not conflicting with the full database name resolution.If you are unable to find a solution, best practice is to delete and recreate the entry to eliminate any character or control character issues.
A: There are several reasons why you cannot connect to the local database. If during the connection you get the error "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)", then probably MySQL server is installed incorrectly or the service (usually with the name "mysql") is not running. To check if the service is launched, open "Control Panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Services" and find the MySQL service. If you cannot find this service, you should try to reinstall MySQL. In case you find it, run it with the Start button or use Start item in the context menu. If you get the error "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)", then check if you enter the password for the root user correctly in case you change it during installation. If you installed MySQL with default values, you should use the user name root with the blank password and port 3306 to connect to the server.(More info ...)
I have a quick oracle question for you. I just installed oracle 11g on my desktop and would like to get access to it remotely from the outside. The problem that I am having is that apparently port 1521 is always closed from the outside. From the inside I can do everything fine but the minute I try to get access to it from the outside it says that it cannot find a tns listener.
Hello Vitaly,Im working as an IT Professional in an org. I had to install oracle 10g client for win7 64 bit..I have installed administrator console one tat machine.everything was done perfectly and we got tns names folder also. In the below lineADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = QABLR)(PORT = 1521)) instead of QABLR for host we are givin an ip address and wen we try to save it , it throws an error which says something something ending with access denied. The employee has admin access to the system and we have made everything fine but the prob stil exists. can you please suggest me on this..and is dis info enough for you to come to an understanding about my issue?? Please help
If DS_Failover is set to 0 to prevent use of the Interfaces file and CT-Lib cannot load the requested directory driver, the connection's directory source is undefined. This causes certain operations requiring directory access to fail. 2b1af7f3a8