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Even though the NSA can't decrypt the private messages on your phone, it can still collect all of your communications records. That's because the government can compel you to give up your passwords and security tokens by threatening to issue you a subpoena for communications that contain those keys.
The reason this is important is that if a government can force a crypto provider to create this sort of compromise, they can force any crypto provider to make that same compromise. If a government would really want to turn over a person's passwords, they could do so by threatening some sort of cryptographic attack. In fact, this is a very common, although rarely discussed, threat, and it's all part of the idea that a state can "force" a provider to "voluntarily" do certain things; that's not something that cryptography should make happen.
Consider, for example, military cyber operations that require a military force to get inside the computer of a particular enemy. These computers might be protected by good cryptography, but that certainly won't mean anything if the adversary has the RSA private key required to decrypt the messages. That key would be written down...
While break encryption is itself illegal, it is perhaps less so than the act of disclosing encryption key material. In the once-controversial case of the inadvertent disclosure of a law enforcement agency's encryption key, a federal court in California held in 1990 that a computer company can not be held liable for disclosing its encryption key. The court cited the Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFIRA), which protects companies from being held liable for inadvertent disclosures of encryption keys or other private information. EFIRA protects the privacy right of individuals who use encryption technology used by companies. The court concluded that a company's compliance with the government's order for the disclosure of a key to the company's encryption was not a constitutional "search" under the Fourth Amendment. d2c66b5586